Yes I do get writer’s block and I face my blocks by adjusting my mindset.
Most writers will be face with writer’s block at one point in their life.
Some reasons for writer’s block are fear, stress, environment, starting or ending writing project.

There are so many reasons for having writer’s block. Good new there are ways to help.
Here are some tips that I have used to help me with writer’s block.
Stop being so hard on yourself, stop being so judgmental and stop criticizing your writing. Being a critic of your own writing, will make you frustrated and have writer’s block. Keep a positive mind that you can do this. Save your finish project for your families, friends and editor to critique your work when it is finish.
Step a time and place to write and stick to it. Whether it’s 15 mins or 2 hrs. Having a schedule and sticking to it. Even if nothing comes to mind right away, eventually it will happen if you show at the same time and place your mind will follow.
Set a deadline or have a accountability partner. Someone who can remind you about your deadline and support your work. That person can help you to stick with your deadline.
Think about your writing as a message that needs to get out or a job need to get done. Think about how your writing can help, inspire or heal someone. That should inspire you to create your work.
Take a vacation from your writing. Step away for awhile rejuvenate and get inspired. This will help you to gain fresh ideas.
Last and this is tip is not for everyone.
Work on more that one projects at a time. I find this helpful and I can switch between projects. I have written most of my books this way by multitasking.
This keeps me writing and also keep me from getting frustrated.
What some of the ways you deal with writer’s block?
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