Summer break for Wesley started two weeks again. I am trying not to let him spend his summer break inside watching tv, reading and playing games. Soon I will be hearing, “mommy I’m bored, when is school starting?”
The first thing I got out the way was signing up Wes early for one week of summer camp at his school.
A quick tips #plan their summer break early before school is out.
Here are some fun things to do over summer break:
- Visit the Library to stock up on books.
- Check your local library for kids events.
- Check your community center event calendar for kids activities.
- Plan your own backyard kid friendly event.
- Face Painting.
- outdoor Picnic.
- finger painting.
- movie night( dress in pajamas).
- word games.
- Write a story book( my fav).
- Art and Craft.
- Bike riding.
- Bake cupcakes together.
- Decorate cupcakes.
- Plant a tree.
- Visit family.
- Indoor camping.
- Indoor picnic.
- Karaoke with kids friendly songs.
- Face painting.
- Water sports with your hose( great way to cool down on hot days).
- Make a picture book.
Have more awesome ideas, we would love to hear from you.